Darth Vader, Jedi, Jawas and Grandma Leiah?

Darth Maul

Here is my Star Wars post as promised 😀 It was great to see so many dressed up in the Star Wars theme, since I am a huge fan and play the online MMOPRG. We didn’t manage to get pictures of them all but we got quite a few. One of the best ones in my opinion was Continue reading Darth Vader, Jedi, Jawas and Grandma Leiah?

Gears, Goggles and lots of Steam!

Steampunk couple

If you are into Steampunk you probably guessed what this blog is about. If you aren’t, then you probably feel like I did at Comic Con. A photographers dream, a geeks Continue reading Gears, Goggles and lots of Steam!

Got my Geek on!

Me and a Stormtrooper.. I may have stalked them lol

As I mentioned in my last blog, Comic Con Austin was underway this past weekend. Let me tell you, it was a blast and so so awesome! I met so many great people, saw awesome costumes, admired the creativity not only displayed by the artists.. which may I add were absolutely amazing and stunning, Continue reading Got my Geek on!

Get your Geek on

So, guess what I will be doing on the weekend of the 25th of October… Take a guess.. come on .. Ok, ok, I will tell you! I am so excit Continue reading Get your Geek on